Thursday, January 28, 2010

Enjoying January

I'm feeling thankful for another amazingly beautiful day in my little corner of the Universe.

It started with lovely, tiny, floating snow flakes that led to more significant snow showers. The fat, bright flakes coated the trees, lawns, and cars in my neighborhood throughout the late morning and early afternoon. But the best part was when the sun came out for a bright end of afternoon. I love the winter brightness of sunlight reflecting off of fresh snow.

After having been away for a couple of weeks, enjoying a small--warm--town on the west coast of Mexico, it's an adjustment to be bundling up in layers for a day in the office. And considering that I'm much more partial to warm, sun-drenched days at the beach than I am to the intensity of winter, I feel particularly thankful when I find myself treasuring our coldest days. And today was cold. As I write it's 19 degrees with a windchill that makes it feel like 9.

What did you love about today?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happily Transitioning

Between Christmas and New Year's is this special week that is a combination of winding down and gearing up. It offers the opportunity to let go of the things we no longer desire and focus on those we do... whether we'll be making resolutions or not.

For many people, this week includes more time with family and friends than other weeks do, as well as less time at the office, and plenty of leftovers to make meals easier. All of which can add up to the leisure to reevaluate our priorities. For me, I'm feeling thankful for the inspiration provided by mornings that start with a cup of herbal tea instead of e-mail, extra time to sit down with the ones I love, and the amazing feeling of having somehow made it through the holiday season without ever having felt frantic. Whew!

Even if you didn't mange to escape those frantic feelings, hopefully you're feeling good knowing that they're behind you... and you're excited about good things to come with a fresh year and a fresh decade!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Still Eating from the Garden

I got a wonderful surprise in my e-mail inbox earlier this week. A local woman wrote to let me know how much she enjoys reading my column in INK magazine and to ask me a few questions. It always makes my day to hear from readers--especially when they're being so complimentary!--so I was very happy to receive that...

But it gets better.

Her questions were about upcoming cooking classes I might be offering, what to do with all the mustard greens in her garden, and... would I like some of them? Would I ever? I love dark leafy greens and was so thankful to be able to accept an abundance of them from her. I made a soup with the mustard greens and some local wild mushrooms and kohlrabi that was a delicious autumn treat. And then I used the arugula, kale, and bok choy for salads, smoothies, and sautees. Such treats for November in New England!

The greens pictured are from her garden... and they taste even better than they look. I feel so lucky to have the kind of life that includes offers of local organic produce from people I've never met! What sorts of random abundance have come your way?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Outdoor Rooms

As fall enjoys a last hurrah before fading into winter, I'm savoring the little bit of warmth in these overcast days.

How do you like to make the most of this time of year?

In addition to favorite activities--going for walks, hula hooping, and raking leaves--I am savoring the outdoors in my favorite cozy spot: the tent.

Some people have gazebos, studios, barns, sheds, or other special buildings behind their houses. My outdoor room is a sweet little four person tent a friend of mine gave me this year for my birthday. Offering the privacy of being indoors combined with the joys of being outside, this silver and orange haven is perfect for afternoon naps, reading and tea, or late night star-gazing and wine drinking with a close friend.

I know I'll have to pack it up for the season soon, but every time I look out the window and see my tent out under the magnolia tree it makes me smile. So it stays another week. And with the unseasonably pleasant weather of the last few days I've been glad to have it still there.

What do you not want to let go of for the season quite yet? Do you have a seasonal space that lets you enjoy the outside with a little more protection from the elements and privacy from the neighbors?
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